2008年2月2日 星期六

阿樂的分享- 東涌籃球教練的感想 (英文)

With the blessing of God, i was able to take on this coaching position since i was available during that time, able to communicate in English and most importantly, i enjoy coaching basketball. I feel like God sent me to Tung Chung for some reason, not only to coach the kids but also give me an opportunity to do something for Him. To quote a well-known line here, 'You are blessed to be a blessing of others', this is exactly how i feel and this is a great honor for me to have a chance to give back to the community, more specifically, to help the disadvantaged groups or so-called less-fortunate people.
The whole course was planned to have 7 classes, ended on the 25/1. Unfortunately, i have got work on that night, therefore we had to end it up with only 6 classes. The last class was not a very good ending for me, unexpectedly, only 5 students turned up. I asked one of the students why did not the other students come and he explained that most of them had exams on the next day so they chose to stay home and study.
Fair enough. But what if it was scheduled to be the real last class? Would they turn up at least to say goodbye and thank you? I traveled all the way from Po Lam to Tung Chung for nothing? After that class, indeed, striked myself to think that was it really what i asked for? In fact, I can tell you that i asked for nothing in return, well, seeing them smiling was probably the greatest return. I would not change anything for that. Reason being, coaching these kids is absolutely much more fun than coaching local kids. Not only because South Asian kids are more athletically gifted and talented, but also they are more active and responsive. Meanwhile, coaching local kids would cause coaches problems such as temper management, lack of responses and low level of obedience. After these 6 classes i have realized that they are highly coachable and i dare to say that if they were under proper training for certain period of time i would bet you anything that they will definitely make it to play for HK team.
They had never had any proper training before this course, that was why those kids were very happy to have me coaching them, some strange Chinese guy that coached them for free. Throughout the whole course, not only they learnt disciplines, teamwork and fundamental skills, but i also had the opportunity to understand their culture, to draw special coaching plan according to their skills, to learn how to deal with young South Asian kids and a lot more. Therefore i could say that in the end, we all got what we wanted.
A lot of my friends have basically asked me the same questions such as, 'Do you get paid?', 'How long is the whole trip from Po Lam to Tung Chung?', 'Do you get subsidies for your transportations?', and so on, and so on. My friends not only have asked me questions, they have also commented on it, 'If i were you, i wouldn't do it.', 'That's way too far for a normal person to coach regardless of who they are.', 'Honestly, this is a bit stupid that you are coaching without salary.' Yes, you are right my friends, i am abnormal because i travel a long way to help people out with my passion whereas you are normal because you only stay home and play video games.
Don't get me wrong, i am not trying to sound like a hero. This is what i truly wanted to do, to help the less-fortunate ones with my limited capability. People only care about their own lives and worry too much about their finance and the rumors of celebrities. Without controversy that HK is lack of people who care about others, the whole world is lack of people who care about others, that's why i am trying to do all these little things to fill up that big hole. Would you like to fill up that hole with me as well?

Lok 2-2-08

2 則留言:

C sir Blog 提到...

其實耶穌都好似係咁做: 去到人群當中,不介意麻煩,辛苦,只是為了去愛那些有需要的人。多謝你,家樂!

Yumi 提到...

亞lok:雖然沒有見過你,但聽聞過你的事。非常欣賞你為這些孩子所付出的愛心。我相信天父想告訴你的是:My beloved son,well done!You have honored Me in your life!