Last night I went to Tung Chung to support Ka Lok's basketball class. I appreciate the South Asian teenagers. They are good atheletes, aged from 7 to arounnd 20. Throughout the 2-hour training, they showed their passion in playing basketball and looking for improvement.
我昨晚到東涌支持家樂的籃球班, 感覺十分滿足. 我欣賞那群南亞裔青年, 擁有良好的體能, 最年輕的只有7歲, 最大的估計也不過20歲. 在沒有休息的2小時訓練中, 各人都表現投入, 對籃球的熱情, 爭取進步.
I was also impressed by Ka Lok's language ability. He conducted the class in english. It was actually a challenge to me since I never conduct basketball training in english, I only learn those phrases from some training resource book, or news from NBA.com.
家樂全程使用英語授課也令我十分驚喜. 事實上我只會在籃球書籍或NBA.com遇見那些英語詞彙, 要我使用英語授課絕對是一項挑戰.
Ka Lok set the following rules:
1. must use english during training
2. No foul language
3. Never kick basketball
It's really important that we set high expectations to our teenagers, as they will clearly know that we care about their improvement and conduct.
1. 所有人必須於訓練時使用英語
2. 不可講粗口
3. 不可用腳踢籃球
對年青人有要求, 他們才會記得進步和明白品格的重要.
我昨晚到東涌支持家樂的籃球班, 感覺十分滿足. 我欣賞那群南亞裔青年, 擁有良好的體能, 最年輕的只有7歲, 最大的估計也不過20歲. 在沒有休息的2小時訓練中, 各人都表現投入, 對籃球的熱情, 爭取進步.
I was also impressed by Ka Lok's language ability. He conducted the class in english. It was actually a challenge to me since I never conduct basketball training in english, I only learn those phrases from some training resource book, or news from NBA.com.
家樂全程使用英語授課也令我十分驚喜. 事實上我只會在籃球書籍或NBA.com遇見那些英語詞彙, 要我使用英語授課絕對是一項挑戰.
Ka Lok set the following rules:
1. must use english during training
2. No foul language
3. Never kick basketball
It's really important that we set high expectations to our teenagers, as they will clearly know that we care about their improvement and conduct.
1. 所有人必須於訓練時使用英語
2. 不可講粗口
3. 不可用腳踢籃球
對年青人有要求, 他們才會記得進步和明白品格的重要.